Hi guys,
sorry this was updated so late.
For HA's recording
Limb Power Strength Testing5 - Normal: Extremity movement can overcome gravityand maximum resistance
4 - Mild Weaknesss: Extremities are weak, but client can move arm or leg against gravity and overcome mild to moderate resistance
3 - >anti gravity strength: Extremities can be lifted off the bed but cannot overcome resistence when applied
2 - < anti gravity strength: Extremeities can be lifted off the bed but cannot overcome resistance when applied
1 - Minimal Strength: Minimal movement on the bed
0 - No Movement: Absent Movement
As for class outing, it is currently put on hold, I hope you guys can understand as not only the timing but day is wrong for many.
But dont despair, most likely a chalet will be booked for our class outing during the march holidays. That is provided, stef's mom can book one at a cheaper rate. or if u guys have any ideas please run it by me. or any cheap lobangs. can let me know.
Best Regard